Raffle to Rescue Animals

The gift of time has an impact

Thank you for helping us sell out of Raffle tickets and hit our fundraising goal!

Congratulations to the winners of this year’s Raffle to Rescue Animals prizes:

Early Bird $500 Cash Prize #1 – Kevin Yockey, Kelowna
Early Bird $500 Cash Prize #2 – LaVita Best, Kelowna
Solitaire Earrings – Karen Copp, Kelowna
Okanagan Wine Adventure – Leslie Wiebe, Kelowna
Revelstoke 3 Night Getaway – Terry Bieker, West Kelowna

Prizes for this year's Raffle were generously donated by:
To donate a prize:

If you are interested in donating a prize item, please contact Marni Adams at fundraising@okanaganhumanesociety.com


You can help the lives of Okanagan animals

Animals Available to Adopt