This is the story of Doja

Doja came into the care of OHS severely emaciated, unable to eat, vomiting and very lethargic.

She was rushed to the veterinary hospital to try to find out what was happening with this poor girl.

The staff ran a series of tests and x-rays. One of the x-rays revealed something stuck in Doja’s intestine. This was blocking all food from entering her system leaving her lethargic and emaciated.

Doja was taken in for emergency surgery to remove the item which turned out to be the tire from a child’s toy car or truck.

She made it through the surgery but had a long road ahead of recovery and to try to get healthy.

Doja entered the home of one of our expert fosters to slowly nurse her back to health, get her weight up to a healthy level and help her gain her confidence.

Today, Doja is happy, healthy and found a new home with a foster fail! What started as a foster home ended up becoming her furever home.

Cost of care: $5,000

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